How to Restart After Setbacks

How to Restart After Setbacks

Setbacks are normal - they happen to everyone

Life is characterized by highs and lows. I, too, am familiar with both sides all too well. Football has brought me unforgettable moments, but also challenges and setbacks. Today, I want to share with you what I've learned from that and how you can deal with lows, and why the end of an era can also be the beginning of something new.

My major setback

Being able to play in the World Cup is a dream for all footballers. Winning it is the greatest dream of all. And I missed out on that opportunity twice. With the German national football team, we reached the World Cup finals in 1982 and 1986 - and lost them. My world collapsed here. I could have been part of the best team in the world, but missed the chance narrowly. We were all sad and disappointed after the lost finals.

I never stopped dreaming

However, after these setbacks, I never lost faith in myself. So, in 1990, I stood on the field in Rome again with my team, and this time, we finally won the long-awaited World Cup title! Now I could celebrate 3 successes: I had played in 3 consecutive World Cup finals, won the World Cup, and never lost sight of my dream!

The famous quote "He who stops getting better has stopped being good" by Philip Rosenthal has become my personal motto. I believe, he who no longer tries to get better has stopped being good. For me, the focus is on trying, dreaming, and never giving up! After defeats, giving up should never be an option when the goal is one's own big dream.

My advice for anyone after a setback

Accept the situation: Recognize that setbacks are part of life and cannot always be avoided. Acceptance is the first step towards overcoming them.

Learn from mistakes: Every setback offers a learning opportunity. Analyze what went wrong and consider how you can do better next time.

Let go of the past: Focus on what lies ahead instead of being held back by the past. This includes not blaming yourself for everything.

Set new goals: Define clear and achievable goals to renew your focus and boost your motivation. Perhaps you now realize that your interests have changed and you want to take a different path.

Seek support: Asking for help is not shameful - on the contrary! Sometimes we need help from outside. Whether from friends, family, or professional counselors. Support can be crucial to getting back on your feet. Others may have been in your situation or a similar one before. This is where you can get the best advice. Or you can tackle the situation together!

Maintain belief in yourself: Trust in your abilities and strengths. Preserving self-confidence is crucial to getting back up after a setback.

My message to all experiencing setbacks: Never lose courage. Often, it's the toughest step that takes us the farthest. In life, each of us must occasionally make unpopular and difficult decisions. These are part of life. Visualize success at the end of your journey. This makes decision-making easier.

Always look forward, be open to new things, and never forget why you started. Because in the end, it's the passion and love for things that keep lifting us up again and again.